“Sticking Your Finger Into A Light Socket”
Have you ever stuck your finger into a light socket? This is not a pleasant experience, for sure! When I was five or six years old, I stuck a “bobby pin”, into a light socket. Why? I am not really sure. Looking back all of these years, maybe it was just curiosity? When we are young, we have so many curiosities. “The world is our oyster”. We have this huge table of food, ready to eat. We don’t think of any ramifications. We are curious! Without much thought, we just dig in and eat!
Unfortunately, as we get older, our curiosity tends to wane. We get set in our ways and lean towards “safer” endeavors. Some of our family members, friends and co-workers, might applaud this as becoming mature. Go to school, find a career, settle down and stay safe. Don’t get too curious about what is on the other side. Curiosity is for kid’s. In other words, don’t “stick your finger into the light socket”
As a result of this “safe mindset”, many people don’t take risks, don’t stretch their abilities and lose their creativity. That job and career that looked so safe and stable, is now an Albatross around your neck. Each morning starts with the dread of another long and unfulfilling day. The only motivation, is getting to Friday afternoon and free of job that has become such as burden.
There is good news on the horizon! There is a solution, that all people can be a part of. By “figuratively”, “sticking your finger into a light socket, it is possible to re-energize your career and your life! “Sticking your finger into a light socket”, can be painful. It is venturing into unknown territory. “Sticking your finger into a light socket”, is not as daunting as one may think. Below are some ideas, that might help in getting to a “better place”, with work, career paths and life.
Determine What Your Passion Is-do you like to write, do art? Whatever that may be, own it and embrace it!
Once you realize what your true passion is, what do you currently do to pursue that passion. If it is writing, do you think about it during your day. Do you pursue writing after work, on weekends etc?
Are you willing to put in the time to pursue your passion?
Are you willing to share your passion with others? Having trusted family and friends, helps develop a team to share ideas, successes, challenges and frustrations.
Have you set-up realistic goals for your passion? Do you have a timeline for possibly pursuing your passion on a more full-time basis?
As we all head into 2021, will this be your year to “stick your finger into the light socket” of life? Will this be your year to step out of your comfort zone and pursue the dreams you have had for much of your life? If not you, then who? If not now, then when!