Hustle Harder

We all remember as kid’s people telling us to “Hustle”, or “Hustle It Up”. Usually, it was our parents trying to get us ready for school, or our little league coach telling us to run to the dugout faster. Now as adults, we hustle to move thru our day, as parents, at work etc. Just when you think you can’t “Hustle Harder”, you may need to! The World is Hustling Harder”. The World is moving at breakneck speed and the person who just jogs, may be left behind. “Hustle Harder”, may be the new “war cry” for the current period of time we all live in.

So how do you “Hustle Harder”? Listed below are some simple and some not so simple ideas and examples to help you “Hustle Harder”?

  1. Have a Greater Sense of Urgency-One of your co-workers is slow sending you an important piece to a project, you are working on together. You can’t move forward, until you receive this piece of information. Do you sit back and wait, not wanting to alienate this co-worker? No, in this situation, you need to have a greater sense of urgency. Think of strategies you can use to nicely, professionally and respectfully ask them to get that information to you, to complete the project.

  2. Re-Act Quickly-using the same scenario as in the previous example, you now have the information you need. Now is the time to react quickly! Finish the project and pass it on to the intended person quickly, without pointing fingers at your co-worker saying they didn’t give you enough time. Rise above! Be the better person and employee! You will find that you may also be the more successful employee as well!

  3. Don’t Miss Opportunities-many times, great opportunities appear right before our eyes and we don’t act. Why? Many times it is lack of self confidence, fear of failure, or just plain laziness! Remember the old saying, ”nothing ventured nothing gained? This saying is at the heart of not missing opportunities. Opportunities present themselves every day. Keep your eyes, ears, mind and heart wide open to take advantage whenever possible.

  4. Network-as a buzz word, network can be highly overused. However, the act of consciously engaging with people, asking questions, showing an interest and sharing your story can be a subtle way of “Hustling Harder”. It will also enable you to maximize your potential and create new opportunities.

  5. Everything Matters-there is a saying in life, that is Everything Matters! How you greet people, answer the phone and shake a hand are simple small acts that matter! How you conduct yourself in public, carryout a work assignment, or help someone in need, all matter! From the time each of us gets out of bed in the morning, to the time we “hit the pillow” at night, life offers everyone, numerous opportunities to make everything you do matter! Think about this, when you dress in the morning, speak to strangers, or organize your workspace, everything matters! Make your day a successful roadmap for you to make everything matter!




Consistently Consistent